Preparing for Summer Naturally - Without Breaking the Bank!

Preparing for Summer Naturally - Without Breaking the Bank!

While my husband and I were on this journey of learning how to prepare food in a way that actually nourished our bodies, my eyes opened to the other areas in our lives that were less than healthy for us, and were actually harming us! When I learned about the dangers in most mainstream sunscreen (see HERE), I decided I would spend the extra money on a tiny tube of non-toxic sunscreen recommended to be my my naturopath.

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Supporting Your Mood with Food Doesn’t Have to be Boring
Recipes, Hormone Health, Nutrition Andrea Jones Recipes, Hormone Health, Nutrition Andrea Jones

Supporting Your Mood with Food Doesn’t Have to be Boring

When it comes to supporting our mood, food may not be your first thought as far as effective treatments. You may be thinking an SSRI or mood stabilizer is your only option.

But recent research shows that there is so much more to a calm and balanced mood than just serotonin hanging around in the neurotransmitter space so we can feel good.

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