The #1 Hormone You Need to Pay Attention to Through Menopause

Have you found yourself wondering as you age why your cycles are becoming more irregular, heavy, unpredictable and just downright ANNOYING?

Or maybe you’ve noticed that your sex drive has taken a huge hit, you’re forgetting things more than usual and in general, feel like a shadow of your old self? 

While you may have heard your mom, aunties, and grandma tout that this is all a normal part of “the change”... 

It’s not.

We can actually move through perimenopause and menopause gracefully, without so much as a hiccup! 

So, what causes these changes?

There are few hormones responsible for these cognitive and hormonal changes, but the first is that as we get older, our ovaries produce less and less progesterone and estrogen.

These two hormones are key in helping us to feel calm, balanced, connected and energized. 

Estrogen specifically is neuroprotective and provides cardiovascular protection as we age as well, so significant drops in this hormone can cause changes to how we think, recall information, our mental clarity and overall energy. 

It then becomes the job of the adrenal glands to take over the production of estrogen as we move through perimenopause and menopause.

If our adrenal glands are already riding the struggle bus due to years of inflammation, stress and constant dieting, they aren’t going to be in any position to handle the job of taking over estrogen through menopause. 

So it is VITALLY important that if you are working with someone on managing and balancing your hormones through perimenopause and menopause, that they are also looking and your adrenal glands, how they are functioning, and if they are up to the task of supporting estrogen. 

Are you struggling with this, too? 

If so, you’re going to want take a listen to my podcast episode “Cortisol’s Impact on Your Cycle & Menopause,” where I dive into the impact of cortisol and adrenal function as we age.

Need some added nutritional support? Check out our Menopause Support Meal Plan.


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